Together towards global carbon neutrality

For 10 years, SLB Group has been working to develop projects that promote the sequestration of greenhouse gas emissions.

We have been developing innovative afforestation programs in southern Brazil under the Econologic Program® brand for over 10 years. These programs contribute to global carbon neutrality by

Climate emergency

Since the industrial revolution, human activities have caused an increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Because of GHGs, the atmosphere retains more heat which inevitably leads to a global warming whose consequences are already disastrous for ecosystems and biodiversity. According to the IPCC, if nothing is done, by 2030 certain areas of the planet will become unliveable.

A major objective: to achieve carbon neutrality on a global scale
Carbon neutrality is defined as a balance between GHG emission sources and carbon sinks. The Paris Agreement has set the goal of achieving global carbon neutrality by 2050. This must become a priority for companies if we want to limit the increase in temperatures.

The approach to adopt for a company: the carbon contribution

Measure its direct and indirect carbon footprint, using the GHG Protocol, ISO 14064 (international) or Bilan Carbone® (French) standards.

This can be done internally, with specialized companies or online, via collaborative platforms such as Implement a GHG emissions reduction plan, both for direct emissions (scopes 1 and 2) and indirect emissions (scope 3). SBTi or can be used for this purpose.

At the same time, contributing to carbon reduction and/or sequestration projects, of a part of the amount of emissions that cannot be reduced immediately. Today, every company must contribute to the collective effort to achieve global carbon neutrality. The idea is not to "cancel its GHG emissions", but to implement a strategy in accordance with the goal of global carbon neutrality by financing positive projects for the environment. In addition to being a climate emergency, this environmental contribution is a strong and essential commitment for a company.

Our afforestation programs in Brazil

SLB sequesters CO2 from the atmosphere by creating natural carbon sinks, thus offering companies the opportunity to voluntarily contribute to the goal of global carbon neutrality.
In addition to carbon sequestration, our Group is implementing many other commitments that can be leveraged by the companies that join our programs.

Unique forest management

1,100 trees per hectare, as opposed to the 1,400 to 2,500 in traditional plantations

establishment on land degraded by intensive agriculture

long growth cycles of 20 years allowing the land to recover, as opposed to the traditional 7-year cycles

Native forest preservation

40% of the land in the programs is reserved for native forest, allowing local biodiversity (fauna, flora) regeneration.

A positive social impact

The Kinomé company measured the social impact of the SLB Group in Brazil, and carried out a progress plan with indicators to follow to improve the working conditions of local communities.

Our SEP (Solution Econologic Program®) programmes:

The Solution Econologic Program® forestry programmes enable you to invest in the forest while having a positive environmental impact through CO2 sequestration.

In the state of Paraná, Brazil, alongside the SLB Group and co-investors, you become the owner of the land and the stand, in a company incorporated under French law. The farm is made up of a portion of FSC®-certified planted forest (around 60%) and a portion of native forest preserved and left to regenerate naturally (around 40%). This combination makes it possible to supply timber that limits the pressure on endemic forests while creating ecological corridors that encourage biodiversity (flora and fauna).

Mix of native forest and planted forest on one of our farms
The Marambaia farm and the native forest in osmosis
Paraná pine (Araucaria Angustifolia), emblematic of the Southern region, present in the native forest of our Cristal farm.
Native forest of Paraná in one of our farms
Planted forest of our Cristal farm in the morning mis